24 September 2014

BGO Murder Mystery Event

I was recently invited by Shaun of Joe Blogs Network to attend a murder mystery event at the Rennaissance Hotel in Manchester which was sponsored by BGO which is an online gambling site in order to promote their new Murder Mystery game.  You can read more about them and the new mystery mystery game they have launched on their blog

As I have always wanted to attend a murder mystery event I of course jumped at the chance and was not disappointed.

After being greeted with a glass of bubbly upon arrival (always a good start to an evening!) we were taken through the dining and performance area. There were around 30 bloggers attending the event and the three tables were challenged to see who could solve the murder by the end of the evening.

The murder mystery theme was "Who Killed His Lordship?" which is run by The Murder Mystery Company

After being seated we were soon greeted with a staggering Lord Burlington coming into the room, shortly to meet his end and his maker, face down on the floor.  We were then immediately questioned as to what we had seen by the aptly named PC World and the famous Sherlock Holmes.

We were supplied with the list of all the known suspects as well as evidence packs, suspect requests forms, fingerprint kits and everything necessary in order to catch the culprit.

Whilst making our enquiries and voicing our suspicions as to who had committed the foul crime, we were also treated to a beautiful three course meal.

After the meal each table were asked to write down who they believed the murderer was and the winner won a bottle of champagne.  I had a brilliant night and want to thank Shaun of @JoesBloggers for the invite.

As to "whodunnit" ?  Well I'm afraid that I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you so instead, I urge you to attend a murder mystery event yourself!

23 September 2014

Unconscious Fat Shaming

I said that I would not be posting on the blog for a little while given circumstances at home; but today I want to think about something that isn't sadness, worry and hospitals so I went looking for something to pique my interest.

I ended up on the Women's Rights Page on Facebook reading this post about a lady called Brittany Miles who runs a blog on Tumblr called Full Bodied Lovin She tells her story of overcoming depression and anorexia and her journey to finding self acceptance. She describes her blog as "a place to nurture my own self love, and help create a culture of acceptance for others".

Now, whilst I am rapidly discovering that the Women's Rights Page isn't all it is cracked up to be, with many many adverts, strange off topic statuses and mixed messages; I read this post as the lady in question sounded inspirational, and she was.

The comments however soon began to make my blood boil and I needed an outlet for my thoughts, which is why this post is coming to you now.

Remembering that this was a woman who had overcome fat shaming, who had gotten through anorexia and depression as a result and brought herself out at the other end; wanting to share her story and inspire and encourage others, some of the comments were in my view harmful.

It wasn't so much the troll type comments of which there actually were few, it was the misguided ones that really bothered me.  The "she isn't fat, she's lovely", the "she isn't fat, she's gorgeous" the "you're not fat by the way, you're beautiful!"  The last comment was directly in reply to her own personal comment on the page thanking them for sharing her story.

All of these messages I know came, in the commenter's eyes, from a good place.  An encouraging place.  But that therein is the problem.  What they are actually saying is "It is ok, you are not fat now.  You are good enough".

Do you not understand how harmless and dangerous it is to saying that to someone who is recovering from an eating disorder?????

I questioned one of the said commenters saying "Why can she not be both fat and lovely" and someone else responded with:
"I think because fat has a negative connation to it"
The word fat only has a negative vibe to it if you allow it to.  If you call someone fat as an insult, that says more about you as a person than it does anything else.   

In my opinion using phrases like "You are not fat, you are beautiful" is just a sugar coated version of saying that fat is bad, you shouldn't be fat, but it is ok because I don't think you are so that is alright.  It isn't the classic version of fat shaming, but it isn't too many steps away from that.  It is unconscious fat shaming.

I believe that we need to tell people when we hear this happening, whether the comment is coming from a place of malice or a genuinely wanting to be nice.  I know when someone says something like that to me it really rattles my cage.  I am fat.  I am not shying away from that.  Those people trying to sugar coat your weight  in an attempt to what they think will make you feel "better" are actually trying to justify your weight to themselves.

To understand why you could be happy at a certain size when they could not.

The lady in question is a US size 12-14 now and is happy and body confident.  This is so amazing and she inspires me so much.  What worries me however are the people who didn't read her Tumblr page as clearly many didn't.  What would they have said to her if they knew what her dress size was?  Would the sugar coating have been dropped and replaced with venom?

I am aware that a lot of my anger and frustration in writing this post is as much about what has been occurring (unrelated) in my personal life as the comments on the Women's Rights post. With that said, I am curious as to what anyone else's views are on this topic.  What do you think about unconscious fat shaming?

20 September 2014

Disappearing for a While

Hello all,

Just letting you know that I am having a little blog hiatus.

There is a little too much going on in my life at the moment that needs my attention and has to take precedence over my blog.

My step dad is in hospital with a fractured spine and for a while my life is going to be hospital visits and being there for my mum.  I am sure I will be posting the odd thing now and again but for the main part, I am

So as Arnie says "I'll be back".  Don't get into any mischief while I am away, at least wait for me to come back so that I can join in.

Toodles xx

15 September 2014

I Feel Good

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You know sometimes when you spend ages getting ready for a night out, an event or even just a blog post, and the reflection in mirror isn't what you hoped? This challenge is for those times when you look in the mirror, no pre planning involved, and think "I look good today". 

We all have our good days and our bad, but this challenge is to record those good days and to remember that confidence, at any size, is beautiful.

I absolutely love today's photograph.  It was taken at the Friday night meal at Plus North in Leeds with the beautiful Emma from Terrible Tumbles who so kindly organised the meal for us and also some goody bags.

The photo is fuzzy and the two cocktails I had is making me a little cross eyed but I don't care, I love this picture.

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12 September 2014

Don't Be A Dick

I have received various different versions of the same article from various friends and people I know lately.  Which one?  The "Fat shaming does not help people lose weight, study finds".  I know that the intention of passing these articles to me was good, but what has actually happened is that I swiftly became irate. 

After reading various incarnations of the same kind of article, I confess that I am at the erupting volcano stage so rather than vent my anger on an unsuspecting friend or colleague, I will write here instead. 

So, fat shaming does not help people lose weight; no shit Sherlock!  I do not need a study to tell me that.  I also do not need a study to tell me that discrimination against fat people is a real thing.   

Is there actually anyone out there that does not realise that fat people are discriminated against, victimised and bullied?  The Times have reported in a recent article that " Fat-shaming is one of the last socially acceptable forms of prejudice, and should be viewed like racism and sexism" and I wholeheartedly agree.

What was laughable was the amount of articles that I read that clearly had no idea as to the extent of fat-shaming that goes on.  I read in this article in the Guardian that "Research suggests even doctors can unwittingly harbour negative attitudes and assumptions about fat people".  Are you FUCKING KIDDING me?  UNWITTINGLY?   

Have you met any fat people who have spoken to doctors?  

I'm depressed and need counselling  - lose weight and then you will be happy

I fell over and broke my toe                - lose weight that will help

I strained my wrist                               - just lose weight it will feel better

I see purple people                              - diet and I am sure that they will go away 

If you are fat, every ailment that you may have is put down to how much you weigh.   

I went to the doctors to ask about counselling.  I knew what my issues were which was nothing to do with the fact that I was fat.  I was told that if I lost weight, I would be happier and therefore not need counselling.   

I was not aware that a medical degree also enables you to read minds and see what people are thinking.  I also was not aware that a medical degree gets you a free bonus psychology degree either. 

How dare you to presume to think that I am unhappy because I am fat?   

How about instead of "Fat Shaming does not help people lose weight" the title was simply "Don't fat shame".  Concise, easy to remember, to the point.  Another way would be to quote one of my favourite shows The Last Leg. 


10 September 2014

Fast Affordable Fashion

I was recently on the hunt for a new black cardigan when I came across a fashion site that I hadn't come across before called Wear All that I thought that I would share with you.  

Sites that have fast, affordable fashion that cater to plus size ranges are few and far between and after a few items accidentally dropped into my shopping basket, I thought I would show you my new outfit!

Margaret Crochet Knitted Cardigan £9.00 from Wearall
found here

Floral Print V Neck Sleeveless Dress from Wearall
Found here
 I didn't intend to pair the two together originally, but upon getting the dress through the post, I wasn't entirely sure about the bodycon fit on me.  I loved the colours and design of the skirt so much however that I decided to do a Tim Gunn and "make it work".

Spending less than £25.00 on a dress and cardigan is my idea of a bargain so I have put together some other items from the site that I love and intend to buy to start off my new Autumn/Winter season (even though I am in denial that Autumn is fast approaching).


I love finding new places to shop and with each of these items less than £20.00, even my bank manager can't object ;)

9 September 2014

Interview with House of Fraser

I was recently given the opportunity to interview Sheila Toor, Senior Designer for the Therapy Brand at the +House of Fraser The Therapy line aims to interpret catwalk trends, being fashionable, but not too fashion forward at an affordable price. 

Here is what I asked:

What inspired you to get into fashion design?
From a young age, I have always been fascinated by clothes. My love of fashion design, however, started when I was 11 years old, after I made a pair of jodhpurs as part of a project. I made them from a horrible scratchy fabric but I didn’t care — I was so proud and I thought I looked great!

That’s when I knew that fashion design was the career for me. Even today, I’m still as passionate about crafting clothing as my eleven-year-old self was back then. The only difference is that I now steer clear of those dodgy fabrics!

If you had the chance to be able to dress anyone, who would it be and why?
Now this is a really difficult question! I’m always most excited to dress those who are similar to me and have a real passion for fashion. Someone who has their own unique style and whose eyes light up as they spot the rail of clothes are the most enjoyable to work with. 

Vintage-style prints and shaping are becoming ever more popular.  What trends from the past would you like to see return and which do you wish had never happened?
I think we’d all rather forget the questionable styles of the new-romantic era in the late 1980s. I mean seriously, what were we thinking!?

Personally, I would love to see a revival of 1940s fashion. The era’s flattering, feminine dresses perfectly enhanced a woman’s hourglass shape, while the beautiful floral prints were just to die for. Ladies always looked effortlessly elegant and, of course, drop-dead gorgeous!

The plus-size market is quickly growing momentum with more people than ever wanting the same fashion available to them as the straight-size ranges.  Do you think more fashion brands should incorporate a plus-size range?
Totally! Ladies should be able to express their individual style however they choose and should not be limited by something as silly as a garment’s size label. As attitudes change, I’m certain we’ll see more and more brands including plus-size clothes in their range as standard.

There are many rules that women obey when it comes to fashion, especially when you are a size 16 plus.  Do you believe that fashion rules should be obeyed or is your own sense of style more important?
I’m all for individuality and the beauty of fashion is its versatility. Life would be boring if everyone dressed the same, so I definitely rate individuality over style rules.

I live by the mantra that as long as you feel great, you’ll look a million dollars. Choose items you like, prints you adore and clothes you feel comfortable in. After all, confidence is the most important part of any outfit.

8 September 2014

Magnificent 7th - Workwear Post

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We will be posting on the 7th of each month, and the aim of the challenge is to create an outfit to fit the theme, using clothes from our wardrobes, and yes that does mean digging deep into the depths and finding those long lost clothes! Hopefully one of us won’t end up in Narnia, but you never know with a bloggers wardrobe!

Today’s edition of the Magnificent 7th Challenge is Workwear/Back to School.

I have had an absolutely crazy time lately and have not been able to schedule anything when it was supposed to happen.  I am hoping that this week will see a return to normality.

For this challenge what I decided to do was show you some of the outfits I wear at work.

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From +New Look 

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From +Very.co.uk 

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From +Very.co.uk 

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From the Claire Richards collection at +Fashion World 

As has been fully established on this blog, I love colour and bold print!

5 September 2014

Language of Love

The word love is bandied about often, but frequently only used to describe the more mundane, without any real feeling behind it.  You might say 'I love coffee' every single day but when was the last time you told a person that you loved them? 

La Redoute carried out a survey recently and found out that 22% of the UK has not said I love you in over a year and that only 30% of people say it daily, despite that more than half of us feel special when the words are uttered.  These statistics surprised me until I tried to think of the last time I told someone that I loved them and I could not remember. 

I love many people in my life.  My amazing mum who at 74 only looks 54 and acts much younger than her age.  I can only hope to look as good as she does when I reach 74!  My sister to whom I definitely do not say I love you enough too and my best friend, who is my rock and has been with me through thick and thin, through good times and bad.

La Redoute was founded in France in 1922 and after coming to the UK in 1995, they discovered that the UK needs a little inspiration when it comes to the language of love.  With this in mind they have created the video, complete with 'Mr La Redoute'. 

This video shows messages sent from family and partners to their loved ones, spoken in French by 'Mr La Redoute' and then the author comes out to translate the message.

 I loved seeing the reactions and responses of the people who received their messages.  First, the slight bewilderment at being addressed by an attractive French man and then the delight when their love ones come out and gave the translation.

After watching the video the first thing I did was ring my mum and tell her that I loved her.  It is such a small sentence 'I love you' but it can have a tremendous impact and can really make somebody's day.  

"If you love someone, you say it, right then, out loud.
Otherwise, the moment just passes you by"
(My Best Friend's Wedding)

At the moment you can also fall in love with French style with La Redoute who are currently offering £30.00 off a £75.00 spend when you use code 8401.

*In collaboration with La Redoute

2 September 2014

Alexi Accessories

I was recently contacted by Jen of Alexi Accessories who are a new British jewellery brand.  I was asked if I wished to review something from their Signature Collection and of course I jumped at the chance. 

I decided to choose the hollow circle necklace* which is made from sterling silver and features cubic zirconia stones around the halo of the circle.  This necklace retails for £46.50.

The necklace is simple and elegant and will feature well either to add the finishing touches to an evening outfit or alternatively add a little sparkle to a workday outfit.   The chain is a good length, 16 inches with a 2 inch extension which is neither too short (don't you just hate it when that happens) or too long. 

I have worn this necklace for an evening out matched with a simple black dress and have also worn it at work with bright colours.  It is a piece that will work easily with your wardrobe as it will never date and has a contemporary elegant look.

There are some timeless pieces in the Signature Collection that will suit most people's tastes, they also have their Brooke Collection which has been inspired by nature and the world around us.   I particularly like the Ashleigh Pendant, which is very whimsical and ornate.

I would highly recommend that you check out this new jewellery brand which has some amazing pieces, either for yourself, a friend or family member.  A well placed hint to a significant other wouldn't lead them too far astray!

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* This item was gifted to me but all views are my own.

28 August 2014

Off to Plus North!

This weekend, along with many other plus size bloggers and lovely ladies (plus a husband or two!) I am heading to Leeds for Plus North. 

To say that I am both massively excited and nervous in equal measures in probably an understatement. 

Plus North last year was a real game changer in my life and the highlight of my year.  Being surrounded by people who had had similar life experiences to myself and knew how it felt was something very new to me. 

Plus North immediately felt like a safe environment where nerves were dissipated upon the first hello with people.  There was a wave of automatic acceptance and a friendliness from everyone that made me feel instantly at home.  I met so many amazing people whom I cannot wait to reconnect with this year as well as some faces that I have yet to meet in person and can't wait to do so. 

I have been lucky enough to be chosen to model again this year and will be on the catwalk, praying I do not fall or trip over, for Yours Clothing and So Fabulous. 

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Me modelling for Yours Clothing last year!

If you are reading this, I hope to see you there!  If you are attending this year please give me a wave and a hello.  You may get a glazed look at first as I am horrible with putting names and faces together, even if I follow you online so bear with me!

27 August 2014

Marisota Swimwear

Swimwear has always been an issue for me.  My day to day body confidence can sometimes go out of the window when I think about buying a new swimsuit as there are just so many factors to consider.

Last time I went on holiday choosing a new swimsuit was somewhat of a colossal task.  Whilst I would have no issues in wearing one, I want to make sure that I look my best but more importantly, make sure that I feel comfortable in what I am wearing.

+Marisota have created this infographic for swimwear in order to help you choose what to wear while you are lounging by the pool and there is some brilliant advice that I wish I had had last time I was browsing the swimwear section.

Whilst I do not wish to hide my body, I do want to show it off to it's full potential and then the only thing I have to worry about is getting a tan!

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A whopping 60.7% of the people surveyed found that their stomach was the area where they lacked the most confidence and I admit, this is the category I fall into as well.

Whilst I am not at a stage where I could simply throw on a bikini and not feel self conscious, having some style tips that I can work from, and grow confidence from there, will help greatly.  A bespoke swimsuit or swimdress with a cup size will help me to feel glam whilst something with a little bit of support in the stomach area would help me feel less self conscious.

Check out the Marisota Swimwear Section to find your ideal swimwear.

* In collaboration with Marisota

21 August 2014

BooHoo Ruby Leaf Print Jumpsuit

I was recently contacted by +boohoo.com and asked if I wanted to try out something from their new plus size range and of course, I jumped at the chance!
There were quite a few different options that I few for, such as the Paisley Print Batwing Dress (which I still think I need in my wardrobe pronto!) and the Paisley Print Trousers.

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In the end though I decided to go for what has been my nemesis so far, the jumpsuit!  I have tried out three different versions of jumpsuits in the past and none have been right for me so I was hoping that the Ruby Leaf Print Wrap Front Jumpsuit would fit the bill.

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This jumpsuit is 95% Polyester, 5% Elastane and comes up true to size.  If you are a little busty like me than you may want to put a little camisole on underneath or pop a strategic stitch in order to avoid any gaping.

I absolutely love the print and decided to go big with the accessories, little a wide belt (old), a chunky necklace that I picked up from a shop on Ebay and my reliable +Simply Be heels and crochet cardigan.

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Although I love the jumpsuit I am not entirely about it on me.  I would ideally prefer for my particular body shape for it to come in at the waist, which I have done by adding the belt instead. 

The colour, the material, the print and the elastic around the ankles are all things that I love about the jumpsuit so I must therefore conclude that the only thing I don't like, is me in it!  Actually you can strike that, I do like me in it, but I am so far off the edge of my comfort zone that I am practically absailing.

I would highly recommend this jumpsuit for anyone who has a penchant for them and indeed, anyone who has yet to try one.

Vicky xx

* Item gifted but all opinions my own as always

20 August 2014

Manchester Blogger Meet Up

I am a rubbish blogger.  I cannot believe how long it took me to write this blog post.  

Some time ago now I went on a blogger meet up in Manchester with some fantastic plus size blogger babes.  We decided to have a little shopping trip in the +Manchester Arndale Shopping Centre which had been arranged by the lovely Steph of Seeing Spots which was followed by a brilliant cocktail making class at +Tiger Tiger Manchester which had been sorted by the brilliant Debz of The Not So Secret Diary of a Wannabe Princess

I will share a few photographs that I took during the cocktail class, please bear in mind that they were cocktail fueled photographs!

The beautiful Naomi

Concentration for making cocktails is key with Gemma of Pink Gemma

Dude, Where's My Cocktail?

Why are our glasses empty?  I don't know, I'm blindfolded!

I must confess that I was very nervous to go to the meet up, not only because the only person I had met in the flesh before was Steph, but also because I was meeting some bloggers that I had admired from reading their blogs and was a little "blogger star struck".  Not least Naomi of DiamondsnPearls with her radiant smile, Em from Terrible Tumbles who I thought was just fabulous (and was in the flesh too) and the beautiful Nicola of Chunky Cat Cuddler who makes gorgeous jewellery and is so so lovely.

We decided to stay for a "few" drinks later on given the 50% off offer, how could we not, which resulted in my weaving my way back to Deansgate ready for a bus ride home, trying not to fall asleep or look like a drunken mess.

I had a brilliant time and I think we definately need to do it again.  Spring Fling anyone?

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17 August 2014

I Feel Good

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You know sometimes when you spend ages getting ready for a night out, an event or even just a blog post, and the reflection in mirror isn't what you hoped? This challenge is for those times when you look in the mirror, no pre planning involved, and think "I look good today". 

We all have our good days and our bad, but this challenge is to record those good days and to remember that confidence, at any size, is beautiful.

I am late with this challenge this month as I completed got lost in the days and scheduled posts all out of sync.

I recently wrote about a hashtag on Twitter called #bodyunshamed where you were allocated a blogger to say three nice things about, and then you had to apply the same to yourself. Unfortunately I was too late to get involved but I did have a go at the three things I like about myself, found here Body Unashamed

Society tells us that if you like something about yourself, you are either vain or deluded. I personally don’t see what is wrong about saying that you like something about yourself. There are many things that I don’t like about myself so focusing on the good is surely much more positive path.

With that in mind, I was looking through my recent Instagram photographs and I came across this one. It is only showing my lips and a necklace I was wearing but the reason I chose it is that it features one feature I like and one I don’t.   So focusing on the good, I like my lips!

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14 August 2014

Joe Browns Rambling Rose Dress

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Today I am participating in a blog hop and this month's theme is "Breaking the Rules".

During a meet up with some other fantastic bloggers in Manchester we took at trip to +Simply Be in the +Manchester Arndale Shopping Centre 

I decided to buy another Joe Browns dress (yes another) as I love that they are not afraid of bold prints and bright colours.  I went with the Joe Browns Rambling Rose Dress which is priced at £44.00.  I loved the dusky pink colour and the beautiful floral print.  

The sweetheart neckline on the dress is just right on me and I love the pleating detail to the side and best of all, IT HAS POCKETS!!!  The length is shorter than I would usually wear being above the knee so some may want to wear leggings, but I just went with heels and a cheeky smile.

This dress definately breaks all of the rules that I am supposed to follow (screw the rules) so I thought that it would be perfect for this challenge!

I bought this dress in the summer but I will definately be carrying it through to the winter, I just need to add a cardigan and some tights.  

Another winner from Joe Browns and SimplyBe!

Vaseline Spray & Go Body Moisturiser

When it comes to your beauty and skincare routine, is there a job that you hate doing or just don’t have the time for?  In my case, the job that I never seem to have enough time for or just plain can’t be bothered to do is body moisturise.

I always start with good intentions; I buy all the beautifully scented body butters and lotions, determined that my skin will be silky smooth and looking fabulous.  Then life gets in the way.  The rush in the morning to get ready when I just don’t have time to sit there waiting for moisturiser to sink in, at night when I have a shower and, anxious to get into my PJs, I simply forget.  

It comes down to laziness I know, but body moisturisers just seem to be my “last straw” when it comes to my beauty and skincare routine.

I have mentioned in my recent “Shop the Stash” post that I have started to use the Vaseline Spray & Go Body Moisturiser.  I have been getting on so well with it that I thought I would tell you more about it.

Unlike the usual body moisturisers which needed to be rubbed in and given time to sink in properly, this spray is light, easy and takes up no time at all.  You simply spray where you wants, run your hand over the area once and you are done.  The sprays sinks immediately into your skin and you are able to put clothes on straight away.

They retail at Boots for £3.99 but I recently managed to get two cans of the Cocoa Radiant on Ebay for two for £6.00 so make sure to check there first.

Definately recommended, it is easy to use, quick to sink in and makes your skin feel gloriously soft.

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13 August 2014

Bathroom City Competition

When you picture relaxation, what do you think of?  For me it has to be a massive bath, filled with bubbles with a glass of wine in hand.  Bliss.

Unfortunately the one thing that our house does not have is a bath, just a shower so whilst I may dream of a huge bath of bubbles, that vision only gets played out when I check into a hotel or go on holiday.

One of the consequences of this is that I am completed fixated about bathrooms.   Old fashioned taps, huge bath on legs; my dream bathroom would probably cost thousands.

I decided to have a look at Bathroom City and see if I could find my ideal bath and just look at this beauty.  I want to sink into it and luxuriate.  Now at £1,897.00 this Devon Bath might take a while for me to save up for but hey, I don't have a house yet so I can still dream. 

At the moment Bathroom City are running a competition where you win £200.00 to spend which will go towards the bathroom of your dreams.  The competition is running from the 1st August to the 31st October 2014 and all you have to do is enter your name, your email and the name of your chosen social media profile such as Twitter.  You can enter here

What does your perfect bathroom look like?

*In collaboration with Bathroom City