Showing posts with label 30DayBlogChallenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 30DayBlogChallenge. Show all posts

21 July 2013

A Story from your Childhood

Day 18 - A Story from Your Childhood

I'm entirely sure how old I was.  5 or 6 I think.  We were on a holiday in the South of France.  A tiny little place called Argeles.  We had rented a static caravan on a site, the same one we had been going to for a few years.

Friendly people, a gorgeous sandy beach; my parents, me and their two friends Vera and Ted.  Perfect.

I remember my dad getting a hose pipe out whilst everyone was sunbathing.  Who knows from where.  I remember him chasing my mum around with the water spurting out, her shrieking as she didn't want to get wet.  She ran into the caravan, thinking that no way would he follow her in there. 

He did.  Of course.

I loved those holidays.  It is a very precious memory as I don't have many with my dad.  Details fade over time but some burn so brightly in your mind that you never forget them.

Me and my dad - happy times

20 July 2013

A Favourite Photograph

30 day blog header


Day 17 – A Favourite Photograph of Yourself and Why

I have previously shared some really special photographs of me on this blog.  One with my parents on holiday, another with me and my dad and my favourite ever photograph of my friends and I.

When asked to choose a photograph just of myself though, I struggle.  I used to systematically detag every photograph of me that I didn’t like on Facebook (so about 99% of them).

Embracing who I am and what I look like has been a bit of journey.  I have chosen a photograph though, but this one in particular marks the start of acceptance. 

This photograph was taken for a review of a SimplyBe dress.  This was the first time I had worn so many colours and such a loud print, and I LOVED it.  It is probably the first genuine smile in front of a camera since I was a little girl, because back then you don’t care do you?


So yes, this is definately my favourite photograph of myself.  Not because of a right camera angle or even the way I look, but more what I was feeling when it was taken.  Happy and hopeful.  You can’t ask for more.

Check out the other ladies involved in the challenge


18 July 2013

A Day in the Life

Day 15 - A Day in the Life of Me

A sight I see nearly every morning, Elvis the Squirrel

Ready for work - got that I need coffee glazed look

My bus stop

Usually the water fountain is switched on, typically not today.  The Court House in the background

Not, I haven't loaded this upside down.  A letter box of a well known bank, been like that for ten years

Room with - well not much of a view!

My Messy Office!

Stairs to nowhere, leads to no doors, a useless space.  I vote filling it with water, could use a swimming pool

Lunch Outfit of the Day Photo

I stupidly put myself on the reception rota for two hours, The Times and my phone saved me from boredom

Planning my outfit for tomorrow

Movie and then bed!!

17 July 2013

10 Things That Make You Happy

Day 14: Ten things that make you really happy
  1. Catching that song on the radio when you are alone that makes you turn up the volume and dance around like a wild thing. Typically the guilty pleasure ones.
  1. Sunshine. The weather is tied to my mood and I find that it is impossible for me to feel down or sad when it is blazing with sunshine like it is today. Maybe I should move to warmer climes?
  1. Books. I absolutely love to completely immerse myself in a good book. No romance books for me, I prefer true crime, sci-fi and horror. Many times I have picked up a book with the intention of reading the first few chapters and have emerged hours later, 700 pages finished.
  1. Going out with my mum. We are both as silly as each other and usually end up in fits of giggles no matter what we do.
  1. Being with my friends. A guaranteed great time no matter where we are and what we are doing.
  1. My blog. It makes me immeasurably happy.
  1. A good banter. I think that is one of the reasons I like Twitter. Diverse opinions that (most of the time) you can have an interesting discussion with. I don’t like “yes” people who agree with everything you say.
  1. Opening parcels. Most of the time it is something that I have remembered ordering so I already know what it is inside, but occasionally I forget and I am react like a six year old at Christmas.
  1. When a plan comes together. Sorry, A-Team quote in there. If I have spent a great deal of time planning something, be it a event, a night away or something smaller, when everything works out just as I planned it, that makes me really happy. Geek.
  1. My blog post for the Flash the Flesh Challenge – Swimwear. I talked myself out of doing that post more times than I can count but in the end, I had to do it and I’m proud of myself. I have come a long way from the girl who detagged herself from nearly every picture.
So there you go, ten things that make me happy.  What about you?

16 July 2013

I'm Sorry

Day 13 - Issue a Public Apology

I have previously written a public apology post on this blog, so I feel it is only right that I link that post now.

15 July 2013

What Do You Miss?

Day 12 - What Do You Miss?

I was going to talk about my dad on this post. He died so many years ago now and I still miss him so much. It is a subject very near to my heart however and is something I don’t really want to use for a blog challenge. I’ll choose something else.

I miss that time in your childhood when you believed in magic and fairies and that Narnia wasn’t just in a book, it was a real place. Before the real world collides with you and you have to “grow up”; before cynicism and skepticism enter the equation.

I always believed in magic when I was a child and would have loved to have been part of the generation growing up with Harry Potter. I loved the books as an adult and would have been completely obsessed as a little girl.

When you believe in magic you also believe that anything is possible. I wanted to be a model, bless me. At that time in your life no one tells you that you are too fat, too short, not pretty enough etc etc. That is the time in your life that people say “Of course you can be!”

I really miss that innocence. I may still be that girl who is lost inside her own head a lot of the time, but at least back then I believed in magic. That part of me has grown up now.

But you know what? I still believe in fairies ;)

13 July 2013

Cake or Death

Day 10 - Your Most Embarrassing Moment

My most embarrassing moment. Hmmmmm. Well there is only one massively embarrassing moment that I can think of, but I don’t particularly want to go into full details.

Let’s just say it involved Amsterdam, my first try at a very “strong” cake, a very busy pedestrianized area and me, sat on the floor at the side of a street for an hour outside a cafe as my legs had apparently forgotten how to walk.

Not my proudest moment.

Do the other ladies have a more embarrassing moment?


12 July 2013

A Moment in your Day

Day 9 - A Moment in your Day

I get on my usual bus in the morning.  I look up, wondering which bus driver we have today.  The smiling, chatty one, the grumpy one; the one who thinks he is driving a tank; the racer, the one who looks like he wants to be anywhere but here.

Today it's racer guy.  I rush to the nearest seat to avoid the jerking of the bus as he veers back into the traffic.  Cool seat at the back be damned,  I want to remain upright.  I have experienced his driving before.

My eyes glance around me.  Do I need my usual armoury of book, earphones, Blackberry?  No, it's quiet today.  No screaming children running up and down the aisle, no throng of people all trying to use the same space.

Then, the quiet shatters.  Shouty man has gotten on to the bus.  All the regulars of the bus journey immediately reach for their chosen defence mechanism.  Noses disappear behind books and Iphone screens light up everywhere.  We know what's coming.

After a few minutes shouty man starts his usual tirade.  He gets on the bus once or twice a week, we are well used to the subjects.  We are all stupid, mobile phones are the root of all evil, the world is going to Hades.  His aim is always the same, get someone to argue back.  We ignore him.  His usual combatants of college students aren't here today.

When he starts swearing, which usually makes someone pipe up, the bus driver asks him to be quiet.  All falls silent and quiet resumes.

The bus reaches the bus station and I get off.  It's time for work.


Verena Vicky