11 August 2014

Body UNashamed

I was recently reading posts from the gorgeous George at Fullerfigurefullerbust and fantastic Kellie at Big Fashionista about a project that had been started by Penny of Lillies and Love called #bodyunashamed

This a project I would have loved to have been involved with alas I didn't see the tweet at the time which was calling for bloggers to participate.  You were each given a blogger to write three things that you find beautiful about them, and then share three things yourself.

Whilst I was too late to join the project, I have seen many people joining in with the three things that you like about yourself, so I decided to join in.  In a time when criticism against the way you look, act and what you wear seems to be everywhere, a little self love is not a bad thing.

My Determination
I have a strong will and determination which can sometimes lead to stubbornness, not my best trait.  However, that same determination has also helped me to quit smoking over two years ago through sheer will (which I will have re-employ as I have semi started again) and has helped me to break out my shell and enabled me to go to events, meet new people and travel to places on my own which I never thought I could do.

My Face
When I say that I like my face I am not being conceited.  There are many things that I could list that I don’t like about it.  The bright red freckle on the end of my nose, the ridge above my lips; my wonky eyebrow that is higher than the other; the gap between my teeth.  But one things that taking selfies has taught me is that you only get one face and you need to embrace it.  If I share a picture of my face on Instagram it means that I was feeling pretty when I took it.  That isn't something that anyone should shy away from doing.

Love your reflection, because you only get one.

My Hair
I have long fought against my hair.  I have been a blonde, a brunette and a redhead.  My hair has been curly and straight, long and short.  When it was curly I wanted it straight; but then when it was straight I thought it looked boring.

Over the past few months though I have stopped the fight.  My hair is thick, with a natural curl and looks best when I just let it do exactly what it wants and you know what?  It looks better now than it has in years.

The thing that I have learned from writing this post today is fighting against who you are and what you look like benefits no one, especially yourself.  Embrace what you look like, celebrate the person that you are; because there is no one else like you.

So there you go, that is my three things, what are yours?

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7 August 2014

Magnificent 7th Swimwear

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We will be posting on the 7th of each month, and the aim of the challenge is to create an outfit to fit the theme, using clothes from our wardrobes, and yes that does mean digging deep into the depths and finding those long lost clothes! Hopefully one of us won’t end up in Narnia, but you never know with a bloggers wardrobe!
Today’s edition of the Magnificent 7th Challenge is swimwear.

Having not had a holiday abroad for a few years, I haven’t bought any swimwear recently and in fact the only swimwear I own has been featured on here previously in the Flash the Flesh Challenge

For today’s post what I decided to do was have a look around at what is currently available, looking specifically for swimwear that accommodates my bra size which when I looked around last time; was rarer than a body positive comment on the Daily Mail.

I am happy to report that I did find much more variety available although to get my exact bra size in a swimsuit would cost me the tune of £139.00.   Whilst this Ample Bosom swimsuit is gorgeous and something I would wear, I couldn't justify paying that much.

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I did also find a bikini top that although wasn't an exact fit, it would have been fine.  However again the pricing was an issue.  £48.00 this time just for the top which I honestly cannot see how Elomi can possibly justify.

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I found the large cup bikini at +Simply Be 

Deciding that I would either need a bank loan or a breast reduction in order to find swimwear in my bra size, I turned instead to looking for swimsuits and swimdresses and found some that I really love.

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Swimdress from SimplyBe  £38.00  (My favourite overall)

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Magisculpt Bandeau Swimsuit  £35.00 from +Marisota 

Check out the other ladies in the challenge and see what they have done this month!

5 August 2014

Breaking All the Rules

Are you tired of being told that you and your life doesn’t fit the mould that society expects?  I know that I am.  Being expected to look a certain way, act a certain way; have all the same views as others; to “fit in”.   I have HAD IT. 

It is a pack mentality; the trouble being that the pack is far too large with too many commentators.  Any individuality you possess can be crushed under the weight of it.  The mob (aka Daily Mail readers and their ilk) will criticise you for any breaks of the rules that they perceive to be set in stone.

So what rules of society do I break? 

  • I am still single in my thirties.
  • I don’t have children (nor do I want them)
  • I am fat and happy. 
  • I don’t dress the way that many deem that I should.
  • I am not afraid to say what I think when I am passionate about something.
  • I have no inclination to “fit it” for the sake of it.  

 What society would tell me that I am, gleaned from this list is that: 
  • I am left on the shelf
  • I’m lying to myself about not wanting children but everyone does
  • I am fat and thereby it is inconceivable that I could be happy
  • I am wearing clothes they don’t want to see me in
  • I am too outspoken.

I don’t care. 

Life is about choice, not conformity and the fact that I don’t fit into society’s little “how to be” box no longer bothers me. 

My ducks will never be all lined neatly in a row.  I don’t even have any damn ducks; although I do aim to dress like a peacock.  My path in life is not straight and clear; it is winding with complicated intersections and although I have fallen off it at times; it has always been there to take me in another direction.

One day I would like to meet someone to share the rest of my days with, to get married and be happy.  That day will either come or it won’t, but I won’t think that my life is ruined if it doesn’t happen.   I am not “left on the shelf” because I was never for sale.

Today is the day that I choose to stop listening to society.  I will no longer read the Daily Fail which is full of nothing but hatred, body snarking and vile views.  I will no longer judge myself as society says that I should, just because I am single.  I will no longer let others views affect how I lead my life nor have an impact on how happy I am.

I will skip down the path that is growing day by day under my feet.  I have no idea where it leads but one thing I do know is that I am going to make damn sure that the journey is fun. 

4 August 2014

New Outfit of the Day

I haven't been able to do many outfit posts lately but I wanted to share with you what I am wearing today for work.

I love outfits that you can just throw on and feel comfortable it.  I particularly love my necklace today although I confess that it is a bit on the heavy side!

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The attempt to look sultry but ending up Monday morning grumpy look

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The dress is from +Very.co.uk for the bargain price of £25.00, the cardigan and sandals are from +Simply Be and the necklace I found in a charity shop.