3 May 2013

Getting to Know You

I have seen a number of these types of post lately and wanted to get involved as I think it is good to share who you are with people who are reading your blog. 

Here are a few things about me.

Athough undiagnosed I am sure that I have climacophobia (fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs).  Be it one step or twenty, when I am walking down stairs I have to hold on to the handrail for dear life as dizziness ensues and I start to panic.  Going upstairs I have to have the front of my foot touching the next step.  

I love sci-fi, action and horror movies, but romantic comedies tend to send me to sleep (although I’ll admit, I cried at Titanic)

I am like Bambi on ice when it snows – I am guaranteed to fall over.  I haven’t met anyone who is quite as bad as me although with my new ice cleats, life is much easier in Winter.

I am still looking for someone who is my brand of crazy, and wonder if I ever will.

I have never had a filling, a broken bone or stitches. 

I have lived in more than one country and would one day love to move away again, preferably somewhere sunny.

At different parts of my life I have been a blonde, a brunette and red head.

I will automatically give you my trust and loyalty, but woe betide you if you break either.

What interesting facts would you share about yourself?


2 May 2013

All that Glitters....

There are some people in the world that sparkle so brightly.  When they are in your presence it is like having the sun shining on you, and it's glorious.  It isn't gender specific, both men and women can have this glow.  I think that we have all met people like this.

I’ve known two people like this now.  What I’ve come to the conclusion of is; all that glitters is not golden.

Friendship should be about loyalty, about mutual respect and going that extra mile for someone you care about.  Celebrating each other’s achievements and above all, always being there for that person.  Friendship isn’t one sided.

I’m finding more and more that the people who sparkle are also the ones that don’t make the effort.  They expect other people to run after them and unless something involves them, they just aren’t interested.

But because they sparkle, they tend to be forgiven as soon as you see them.

One day, inevitably with a friendship with someone like that, you stop making the effort.  You decide to let them do the contacting and wait and see if they support you as much as you have supported them.  The answer is always the same, they don’t.

Just like the firework sparklers you have on Bonfire Night, these people shine so brightly when they are around and the world seems little darker when they disappear.  But they have no substance and give nothing back. 

The truth of the matter is, I would rather have than a slow burning candle, just as bright, just as beautiful, but always there when you need it, than a flash of light for entertainment purposes any day. 

The sparklers are a nice distraction, but true friendship lasts a lifetime. 

1 May 2013

I'm Declaring it Summer

A quick outfit of the day post today.

I bought this dress from +Very.co.uk last year and wasn't brave enough to wear it.  This year I said sod being scared and I have worn it today, inspired by the gorgeous sunshine outside and have teamed it with a red cardigan from Primark.
With the bright blue and red I feel like I am chanelling Superman, or Superwoman in a longer dress? 
My thought of the day is therefore - Never be afraid to wear something, you wear the dress, it doesn't wear you.
Happy sunshine everyone!