Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts

4 July 2014

Making Fashion Work For You

Whether it is something to do with the fact that I am now (whispers) 35, but the length I prefer on dresses and skirts has definitely lengthened.

Up until the past couple of years I was happy to wear an above the knee length but now when out shopping I finding myself leaning towards the below the knee and midi lengths.  Myself and leggings have never really taken to each other so they are not an option for the shorter lengths either.

How something fits is equally growing more important as the years go by in that I no longer want to have to compromise on the fit. 

What I think that we all tend to forget, or at least me anyway, is that we don't have to compromise on fit and lengths can be changed according to what you want.  Sewing services are available everywhere and for between £8.00 - £10.00 (Lancashire pricing anyway) you can get items altered to how you want them to look.

Whenever I go shopping now I always bear this in mind and when I see a dress (my go to item as you know) I always kept seamstress services in mind.

This dress for example I bought in a recent shopping trip to Manchester at +Yours Clothing   The dress started out as a maxi dress but straight off the hanger I knew that, on me, it would work perfectly at a just under the knee length.  So I bought it and had it altered to how I wanted (seamstress in this case being my talented mum).

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Obligatory pout shot
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Having tried the dress on I think we ended up taking about 5 inches off the dress and it really does make a difference.

Have you been making your fashion work for you lately?

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8 June 2014

Magnificent 7th

We will be posting on the 7th of each month, and the aim of the challenge is to create an outfit to fit the theme, using clothes from our wardrobes, and yes that does mean digging deep into the depths and finding those long lost clothes! Hopefully one of us won’t end up in Narnia, but you never know with a bloggers wardrobe!

This month’s theme is dressing in the style of your favourite celebrity.  Now I can't really say that I have a favourite celebrity.  I don't particular immerse myself in celebrity culture or gossip magazines so am winging this a little.  I decided to go with Jennifer Lawrence in the end as I like her style, she seems to fall over a lot (like me) and seems to be the kind of girl that you would have a great time with.
When I have looked at Jennifer's style she always looks great in bright colours and isn't afraid to show a little cleavage so as such, I decided to show you a dress that I got some time ago, but haven't yet worn.

You can find the Enchanted Lands Dress at Taking Shape for £39.00.  On the website the dress looks a lot shorter than on me.  I am 5ft4 and the dress lands midway between my ankle and knee.  The sizing is spot on and the material is lovely and airy.

I love the vibrant colours of this dress and I don't even mind the hanky hem.  

4 June 2014


I was recently told about a new fashion search website called Fashiola   Now usually when I hear about this sort of website I immediately discount it as I have been used to these sort of search engines previously which have either had no plus size section or alternatively a very limited choice.
In this case however I was given the website information from a PR whom I have worked with regularly so I decided to check it out.  What a pleasant surprise it turned out to be!
The site is well set out and easy to use.  As well as being able to search for clothing there is also a handy discount code section and another which shows the current trends for 2014.  Additionally there is a style book section where you can browse through collections that people have put together or alternatively make your own.
The main feature of the site enables you to search for fashion, shoes or accessories in womens, mens and childrens sections with brands available from sites like BooHoo right up to D&G and Alexander McQueen.
The search facility gives you many options in order to filter down exactly what you are looking for.  I was searching in particular for a dress for a wedding and found that it was very easy to navigate. 

I am happy to report that the plus size community have not been an afterthough with this website as with so many others.  There are at present over 1400 items of plus size clothing in the women's section which is very impressive but I also found that there were many more items available without having to pre section the plus size option.  I searched in the main section for dress in a size 24 and it brought me over a 1000 options!
Here's what they have to say about themselves:

"We’re excited to have arrived to the UK and into such a strong online fashion market. The strength of our brand is evident in our fantastic fashion brand partners in the UK. There are thousands of online fashion shops, but how are shoppers able to search for a particular piece of clothing quickly online? We have solved this problem by giving a complete overview of all brands, prices, styles and availability of the goods in the correct size and for the best price in the market.
Have a look for yourself!
*Although I was given the information about this website I was not asked to write about them and was not paid to do so.

4 May 2014

Fashion, without Limits

Hello all, hope that you are all having a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend and are off out in the sunshine (crosses fingers for sunshine) doing exciting things with people you like and love.

If you have happened across my blog today by intention or by accident, I have to apologise because I'm not here!

For the first Sunday in every month the fantastic FashionWorked website lets me prattle on in my monthly column - The Plus Perspective

Sometimes I talk about fashion, sometimes body image and confidence and sometimes, well it could be anything frankly!  Today I am talking about fashion, without limits.

Check it out Here!

13 December 2013

Friday Wish List - The Expensive Week

Friday WishList - The Expensive Week

What the hell, it's nearly Christmas and what does a girl want for Christmas?  Well I want (but not getting) an expensive handbag!

6 December 2013

Weekly Wish List 2

Weekly Wish List 2

The owl print dress from YoursClothing has a special meaning for me as this was the dress I modelled in Plus North.  It seems so long ago now!!