6 July 2013

Flash the Flesh Part 3

When a group of bloggers join together for a chat you know that the final result has to be super!! This happened once more when, a few weeks ago, we were talking about our preferences between mini and maxi and Becky  thought that it would be great to create a challenge which goal was to show a little bit more skin and our body (but with style and no vulgarity) showing proudly our curves. And so it was born “Flash the Flesh”.

This is now the third installment in the Flash the Flesh challenge and all the women involved have done brilliantly.   After the second challenge the idea was bandied around about doing a beachwear edition.  Cue me running away at lightening speed.

But then, a funny thing happened.  I came back.  I looked at the idea afresh, saw some of the other bloggers in the challenge saying “Definately” “Why not” and “I’m in” with no hesitation.   I wanted that lack of hesitation.   So here I am. 

I bought this swimdress a couple of years ago for a wedding/holiday with my best friend, her husband to be and some of our closest friends.   Unfortunately where I bought it from completely escapes me, not very helpful, I know.

I apologise for the rabbit in headlights expression on my face in the picture.  Every voice in my head is telling me not to be in this challenge and definately not to post these pictures but I won’t listen to it. 

I only added this photograph this morning after reading some of
the other posts.  If they can do it, so can I.

A gratuitous breast shot to distract you from the other two pictures

So there you have it! Me in a swimdress and a wrap, on the internet.  Without evening seeing the other posts I know already that I haven't been as brave as some of the other ladies, but it is a giant step for me; which I am glad that I have taken.

What swimwear are you wearing this Summer?  

An Uncomfortable Feeling

Day 3: Things that make you uncomfortable

The top of my list would have to be meeting new people. Whilst I do actually love having new people in my life, those first few meetings are so uncomfortable for me as I become very nervous. I either can’t think of anything to say or alternatively the most ridiculous things come out of my mouth in order to fill the silence.

I am going to Plus North in September and whilst I can’t wait to meet all the bloggers I have read and talked to via Twitter for so long, I am also terrified at the thought of meeting so many new people alone. A cheeky cocktail somewhere before the event may not go amiss!

Seeing/hearing racist and homophobic behaviour makes me uncomfortable. I like to think that I would say something if I witnessed it in front of me. I may be nervous in front of strangers but my moral conviction is strong enough that I don’t think that I would hesitate.

Compliments make me uncomfortable. I am actively trying to work on this one as you should just be able to say thank you when someone gives you a compliment, without trying to belittle yourself or whatever it is that you have accomplished.

That is probably my top three of things that make me uncomfortable, what’s yours?

Check out the other ladies on this challenge!

5 July 2013

I'm Not a Monica

Day 2 - Something you know a lot about or are good at!

Something that I know a lot about………….  Well I know a bit about a lot of things but am not an expert at anything, except maybe being totally clumsy on my feet.  That I am really good at.  I’d probably win a prize for it. 

I know quite a bit about certain aspects of law, personal injury and landlord & tenant matters; I won’t bore you with that however.

Something that I am good at however, I can probably rustle up something.

I am a planner.  I love planning things out.  Be it an event that needs planning or a series of things that need accomplishing within a specific timeframe, I’m your girl.  I am by no means a “Monica from Friends” control freak however and I am open to changing things up at a moment’s notice.  It is definitely not my way or the highway.
Planning absolutely suits my inner (ok not so inner) geek and is probably one of the many reasons I like blogging so much.  I can plan what I am going to write about in advance, take photographs and have them all ready to go, schedule posts ahead of time, I love all of that.

I am aware that I am outing myself as a massive geek here; but that’s me and you see what you get.  On the other hand, I do come in handy when it comes to arranging events.  For my best friend’s wedding in Cyprus for example we needed a really good restaurant to be booked in advance for a hen night, which had to be close to our villa, have really good food and not too expensive. 

After trawling Trip Advisor and many other sites to find the perfect place, I managed to find a gorgeous Italian restaurant, booked it well in advance and we had a fantastic night.

The thing about being a planner is that it can be beneficial to you too.  If you are arranging a night out in another city for example, if you are the one sourcing hotels, restaurants, bars etc you can weed out the ones you aren’t keen on yourself and you are left with the ones that you do like.  Sneaky ;)

So that’s my talent I guess, planning.  What’s yours?