15 February 2012

This Post has no Point

I'm having one of those days.  You know those days, when for some reason (illness being my reason today), every person in the world irritates you.

Usually if I am having a bad day/in a bad mood etc I am able to mask how I am feeling and continue to be happy, smiling and polite to those around me.  This obviously helps when I am at work.  Office environments and bad moods don't go together.

Today though, there is no hiding it.  The office junior is irritating me (although to be fair, she has the brain the size of a pea and no common sense), my colleagues are irritating me, the boss' OCD querks are irritating me.  Every client I speak to is irritating me too, although I really do have to be nice to them, I would rather not get fired.

I made a sign for my office door.  I think it gives everyone fair warning.  The short way of saying if you piss me off today, I may kill you.

 Absolutely pointless post, but I do feel a bit better for having a mini rant.

9 February 2012

The Sign on your Head

They say that the first impression is the one that sticks in your mind.  Everyone says you shouldn’t do it, hence the “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” saying.  But everyone does, be it subconsciously or knowingly.

The way you judge someone on first impressions isn’t just about looks.  It is the aura that they give out.  Confident, shy, awkward, outgoing.  You can see a glimpse of what someone is like in those first few minutes, or can you?

Because not everyone is able to make a good first impression.  That doesn’t mean that the person you meet isn’t going to be someone great, they just aren’t comfortable in first time meeting scenarios.

Myself for example.  I don’t make a good first impression.  I’m shy, awkward, say things that don’t make sense and wary.  That’s just with women.  With men, double the wary, double the shy and apparently, accordingly to male friends I have, I have a “fuck off” sign invisibly stamped to my head.

Maybe this is why I'm single

When you actually get to know me, after that first meeting, I am nice (usually), sociable, sometimes funny and occasionally a bit mad.  I haven’t been able to escape that “first impression” I give over the years, but now, I think screw it. 

If someone is going to judge me on a first impression, they really aren’t worth knowing in the first place.

So sod it.  Apologies by the way for the sullen photo.  But I needed something with my forehead on and this was the only thing I had.  Honest.  Wasn't trying a moody sexy pose thing at all.  Hangs head in shame.  Oh god.

*Edit     Holy shit!  I never noticed before, my eyebrows are wonky!  Who knew!

31 January 2012

Random Picture Challenge

I saw this on someone's blog and liked the idea so here goes!

The idea is that you find five photographs.  The five photographs must contain either random objects, scenes or shots that remind you of a great or funny time in your life.  If someone is in the shot you can only show body parts.  No filth!

Above all, the photos must hold a good memory, but it cannot be an "ordinary" photo.  Here are mine!

I love shoes, and my tattoos.
This is the day they had the perfect match
The Hanging Penguin - A very irritating Vettel
win on Grand Prix day.
We took it out on the
photo (2)
Cocktail Hour the Night before my Best Friend's Wedding
A friend was missing on our holiday, so we made one
Fireworks on New Years in foreign climes.
The best New Years I have had.