16 October 2014

I Feel Good

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You know sometimes when you spend ages getting ready for a night out, an event or even just a blog post, and the reflection in mirror isn't what you hoped? This challenge is for those times when you look in the mirror, no pre planning involved, and think "I look good today". 

We all have our good days and our bad, but this challenge is to record those good days and to remember that confidence, at any size, is beautiful.

I have been playing around with black and white photographs lately as they lean towards the vintage feel that I love.

I asked my friend to take a photograph of me today with a view to this post, a day late, I'm sorry. They say that whenever someone else takes your photograph it shows your emotions more than when you take it yourself and I think that this is true here.

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I felt good when having this photograph taken but looking at it now, I looked tired and stressed; which is exactly how I am feeling.  Life is crap at the moment with various things going on my family life and people close to me that I am very worried about.

I'm trying to keep on with maintaining my blog as it is an escape from what is happening and it still brings me joy.  I will continue to try and do more outfit posts but for the moment, I ask that you bear with me.

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14 October 2014

Timesaving Tablets

When you have a busy life, as many of us do, it is important to utilise your day as best as possible.  In order to be able to have a little more relaxation time at the end of the day, I have been looking at ways in which I can make better use of the time I have available.

After getting an idea for a blog post I usually end up emailing myself with thoughts and ideas, texting myself when I have no Wi-Fi available or when I am really stuck, scribbling notes to myself and throwing them in my handbag (which invariably get lost!)  This is not a good use of my time as when I sit down to do my blog; I then have to try to collate all of these things together.

Whether I am having a brainstorming session whilst on the commute to work or taking a few minutes at lunch to jot notes down, I need something that I can work on that can sync with my all my devices.  What I need is a tablet

I went over to my local Tesco this week to pick up some things for the weekend and ended up having a look around the technology section.  On the upper end of the market, you have the Microsoft Tablet which has a 10.1 inch screen with a 256GB hard drive.  It also has a handy stylus, which is great if you quickly want to make notes on a document.

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On the lower priced end of the market, you could also choose the Acer Iconia A1. This tablet is slightly smaller at 7.9 inches with a 16GB hard drive.  If you only intend to use the tablet as a bridge between your laptop and phone, the amount of storage should be fine, however it is extendable with the use of a micro SD card.

As our lives become busier and our free time is ever reduced, finding technology that can help you make the most of your day is always worth the investment.

*Written for Tesco.