6 November 2017

Logojoy Review

On Friday on the blog I was talking about how different we can become between our online and offline selves.  How much we share of ourselves online and how that can sometimes get problematic, especially if you talk a lot about current affairs; as I do!

I have always had my picture as my profile image for my social media accounts, but now, I feel like I want to pull back a little.  Many times, as I mentioned on my previous post, I have had conversations only to be derailed and ignored on the basis of what I look like.

On that basis, I decided to leave imagery of myself to my blog only, and have something simply blog related as my social media representation.  I wanted something simple and to the point, which would let my words do the talking and not my face.  What do you think?

I created my new logo through Logojoy. I confess that I am not talented when it comes to creating images and need some guidance and a simple application that takes me through the steps to create the perfect logo.

Logojoy was the perfect vehicle for me to be able to create my new logo.  Below are some of the steps that you go through in order to create your image.

The first thing you do is enter your blog name or the title of your business and then proceed through to choosing at least five images as below, to start the designing process and gives the site an indication of the styles that you like.

From there, you can choose up to five symbols to go with your text.  There are many to chose from simply be writing down what you are looking for in the search bar.  This step is optional.

Once your symbol has been chosen, this then takes you to a screen where you can fully customize your logo with different fonts, different colours and designs.  You can from having something simple like mine to something really unique, simply by clicking on the different options.

The process of choosing a new logo through Logojoy could not have been easier.  It was a simple, step by step process that even I could follow with ease and from there, there are different packages that you can chose from depending on what you want to use the logo for.  I chose the 65 dollar package, which includes a high resolution logo, different colour options and also the social media kit for an extra 9 dollars which gives you perfectly sized logos for all of your social media accounts.

Logojoy is free to try out so you can spend as much time as you want creating the perfect logo before committing to buy.  There are so many different combinations that you can try out that I really recommend that you spend some time on the site trying them out.

  • Hope you like my new logo!

2 November 2017

The Hidden Health Precautions

When it comes to our health, there are always things that we can do everyday but don't even think about. Whenever you do something that impacts on your health, whether that impact is positive or negative, it’s the result of decisions made by you. You're the one in the driving seat, and you're able to change the way you’re heading. The precautions below are ones that pretty much anyone can start taking straight away.

Use Sunscreen Every Day You Spend Outdoors

Most people only apply sunscreen when it’s the height of summer and the sun is completely pervasive in the sky. However, many scientists and professionals are now saying that you need to apply sunscreen whenever you go outside. It’s s precaution that could be worth your time and energy because it helps to prevent skin cancer. That’s a pretty big deal, and it’s not something just you should dismiss or ignore. It takes a few seconds to apply the sunscreen, but the difference it makes could be huge.

Avoid Using Deodorants Containing Aluminium

Aluminium is incredibly bad for the human body when the two come into close contact. There are links between aluminium and some terrible diseases, so this is something that should definitely be taking seriously. Here's a list of some of the best deodorants that are aluminum free. That will help you improve your health in the long-term, while still staying fresh and smelling great. But those things are not worth putting your health at risk for, so take this issue seriously.


Eat Fish Rather Than Red Meat

Red meat is not great for your digestive system if you eat too much of it. That’s why you should look toward the alternatives when you’re deciding what to fill your plate with at dinner time. Fish would make the ideal replacement. There are so many great types of fish to eat, so you won’t be missing out on anything. Fish is so much better for you, and it’ll mitigate the risks associated with eating too much red meat.

Sit Down Less

Sitting down is one of the most dangerous things for our collective health. Doctors are warning that people who spend all day sitting down will be more likely to experiment other health problems in the future. As a precaution, you should think about not sitting down so often throughout the day. Standing desks now make this possible, so maybe you should invest in one of these too.

Consider Your Exposure to Air Pollution

Moving out of the area where you’re currently living might seem like a pretty drastic thing to do. But it could save your health if your previously location forced you inhale polluted air all day long. You should definitely take this matter into account because the least you deserve is air that’s safe enough and clean enough to breathe.   

These little-known precautions will help you to stay as safe and healthy as possible, so make the most of them if you’re not doing so already.

*Collaborative piece