16 February 2015

I Feel Good

You know sometimes when you spend ages getting ready for a night out, an event or even just a blog post, and the reflection in mirror isn't what you hoped? This challenge is for those times when you look in the mirror, no pre planning involved, and think "I look good today". 

We all have our good days and our bad, but this challenge is to record those good days and to remember that confidence, at any size, is beautiful.

A day late, yet again, things will improve, I promise!

I really do feel good today.  My blog was on TV last night (sorry for spamming everywhere with the video but I was so excited!

I have just taken some blog photographs with a new dress (coming soon) and afterwards I was messing around with my camera.  I took this selfie of myself and liked it so here it is for you today.  I love red lipstick :)

I am actually fully dressed in this picture, the girls decided to come out and play is all

Skimlinks Test

12 February 2015

Lola Jewellery Collection

When it comes to wardrobe staples, there are a few things that you can find in nearly every woman's wardrobe.  That dress that makes you feel a million dollars, the jeans that fit you just right, that "Friday night after work drinks" top.

When it comes to jewellery, it is much the same.  The statement necklace to show off a black dress, some earrings with a little sparkle to brighten up an outfit and the perfect silver necklace that goes with everything.

I always think that a piece of silver jewellery is perfect to finish off any outfit and also add a little glamour and style.

Gemporia have just created a new silver jewellery range called Lola, which is a small but perfectly formed collection which caters to every need in necklaces, bracelets and earrings.  

I particularly love the signature bracelet and these Cascade earrings.  They are great examples of pieces that could mix into many outfits to add a touch of glamour.

At 8.00pm GMT on Saturday 14th February 2015, award winning Gemporia will be holding a special auction on Gems TV where you can bid to purchase the pieces in this beautiful collection,  You can also check out their auction page online.

Gem TV hold what are known as reverse auctions.  The more people that bid, the lower the price drops!  So check out the fabulous Lola Collection on Gem TV on Saturday and pick yourself up a bargain at the fraction of the cost!

Gem TV can be found at: 

SKY 655

*In collaboration with Gemporia