5 September 2013

Averting a Fashion Disaster

Ok, so I’ve had a fashion disaster. 

You plan the perfect dress for an event that you have been looking forward to for months.  You store it away, pick the perfect shoes; get the right jewellery; all is well.  You have the perfect flesh coloured bra to go under it that is practically new so you don’t need to buy a new one.
Two days before the event you try on the entire ensemble to make sure that everything looks right.  Then, the disaster.  The bra.  Something’s happened to it in the washing machine.  It’s broken.  Panic.
So the red lace dress I was going to wear is now in the back of the wardrobe.  Nothing else looks right under it and I don’t have time to get a replacement before the event.  Time to improvise.
Luckily for me I have been on a bit of a buying spree this week.  One dress that I hadn’t thought would be suitable for Plus North now turns out to be the one I am going to wear.  It’s a magic dress.
Why magic?  Because I feel amazing in it.  You know when sometimes you try on a dress and the moment you look in a mirror, a massive smile appears on your face?  This dress did that for me. 
So whilst I am not wearing my confident red dress that I wanted, I have something else that makes me feel even better.  Also, wearing this dress (black and grey leopard print); it gives me the ideal opportunity to wear the one thing in the world that my heart truly belongs to.  Red shoes.
Looking forward to meeting you all at PlusNorth!


4 September 2013

Creative Corner 3

The creative writing prompt was very short this time - just two words:

A Step

You know that saying "Every journey starts with a single step" ?  Well not to be disagreeable, but I believe that every true journey starts with the second step.

The first step is done hesitantly, with caution.  You can, and frequently do take the step back.  From the simplest thing of reading the synopsis of a book before you start reading it to choosing a different path that your life will take, that first step is always an exploratory one.

You may make hundreds, if not thousands of those first steps in your life.  A quick decision that you instantly change your mind on, an idea that you want to carry out but are still unsure; the new direction you want to take, but don't yet have the courage for.

The second step however, that is decisive.  You have made the choice, committed to it and you are going forward.  The second step is the one that is the hardest to take.  It shows that you are resolute in what you want, and you are going after it.

No one remembers the first step.  But the second, where the real action takes place, that is where the interesting things happen.