11 May 2012

Thought of the Day

No matter how much you want people to like you, never change yourself in order to make that happen. 

If you follow the majority, only think what your friends think and do what people expect you to do, rather than what you want, one day you will look in the mirror and although the reflection may be the same, you will see the eyes of a stranger.

It unfortunately took for me to enter my 30's before I realised that the things that are odd about you, the things that make you different from everyone else, are the things that are most special and should be encouraged, not surpressed. 

So hi, I'm Vicky.  I'm odd, querky and I have a tendancy to rant.  Probably a bit more mental sometimes that I would normally admit.  I don't care.  I love it.  I'm myself.

6 May 2012

Chirpy People are Psychopaths - Discuss

I'm not going to lie.  I'm in a foul mood that I can't seem to bring myself out of.  Writing usually helps so hence, you're getting this post and if you are reading this now, you have been warned, foul mood = evil pouring on to the page.

So basically, I am just going to bitch about things that irritate me.

Morning people.  I don't understand them and I really don't like them.  Actually I should qualify that.  Your regular John Doe of morning people I can tolerate, just, however chirpy morning people, well they clearly have something wrong with them.  

Not being a morning person myself and being frankly dangerous on the wrong side of 10.00am, I could happily throw things at the chirpy morning person.  There is a chirpy morning person in my office and there have been many staplers thrown at her head, although thankfully just in my mind and not in reality, I might get arrested for that.

Chirpy morning people brings me on to chirpy happy people in general.  I am not saying that there is anything wrong with being happy, but no one, and I mean no one is happy 24/7.  You show me someone who is happy, chirpy and cheery twenty four hours a day, seven days  week and I will show you someone who is mentally unstable.

I do not trust people who are smiling and cheerful all the time.  I honestly believe that there is something mentally wrong with them.  Purely of course on the grounds that they irritate the fuck out of me and at times, like now, I can be a complete bitch. 

I do actually feel better now I've wrote this.  I feel a little more cheerful haha