14 August 2014

Vaseline Spray & Go Body Moisturiser

When it comes to your beauty and skincare routine, is there a job that you hate doing or just don’t have the time for?  In my case, the job that I never seem to have enough time for or just plain can’t be bothered to do is body moisturise.

I always start with good intentions; I buy all the beautifully scented body butters and lotions, determined that my skin will be silky smooth and looking fabulous.  Then life gets in the way.  The rush in the morning to get ready when I just don’t have time to sit there waiting for moisturiser to sink in, at night when I have a shower and, anxious to get into my PJs, I simply forget.  

It comes down to laziness I know, but body moisturisers just seem to be my “last straw” when it comes to my beauty and skincare routine.

I have mentioned in my recent “Shop the Stash” post that I have started to use the Vaseline Spray & Go Body Moisturiser.  I have been getting on so well with it that I thought I would tell you more about it.

Unlike the usual body moisturisers which needed to be rubbed in and given time to sink in properly, this spray is light, easy and takes up no time at all.  You simply spray where you wants, run your hand over the area once and you are done.  The sprays sinks immediately into your skin and you are able to put clothes on straight away.

They retail at Boots for £3.99 but I recently managed to get two cans of the Cocoa Radiant on Ebay for two for £6.00 so make sure to check there first.

Definately recommended, it is easy to use, quick to sink in and makes your skin feel gloriously soft.

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13 August 2014

Bathroom City Competition

When you picture relaxation, what do you think of?  For me it has to be a massive bath, filled with bubbles with a glass of wine in hand.  Bliss.

Unfortunately the one thing that our house does not have is a bath, just a shower so whilst I may dream of a huge bath of bubbles, that vision only gets played out when I check into a hotel or go on holiday.

One of the consequences of this is that I am completed fixated about bathrooms.   Old fashioned taps, huge bath on legs; my dream bathroom would probably cost thousands.

I decided to have a look at Bathroom City and see if I could find my ideal bath and just look at this beauty.  I want to sink into it and luxuriate.  Now at £1,897.00 this Devon Bath might take a while for me to save up for but hey, I don't have a house yet so I can still dream. 

At the moment Bathroom City are running a competition where you win £200.00 to spend which will go towards the bathroom of your dreams.  The competition is running from the 1st August to the 31st October 2014 and all you have to do is enter your name, your email and the name of your chosen social media profile such as Twitter.  You can enter here

What does your perfect bathroom look like?

*In collaboration with Bathroom City