Showing posts with label Ireland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ireland. Show all posts

23 April 2017

Petals On The Wind

When I was 21, I moved to Ireland.  Being 21, it was not a considered decision.  My good friend was moving home and asked if I would like to come and live in Ireland with her.  I said yes immediately.

I left my job, sold my car, packed up my belongings and without hesitation upped sticks and got on the boat to Ireland.   It was the most impulsive thing that I had ever done and the best thing I have ever done.

We stayed in Ireland six months, before deciding to move again to Jersey.  I remember at the time feeling like I was a petal on the wind, going wherever the wind decided to take me.  I did not want to put down roots anyway.  If someone had offered, they could have put me in a parcel and shipped me off to Australia and I would have agreed.

Sadly, for this petal, my journey began and ended in Ireland.  Hopping from country to country, even when you are working, involves money.  I set off for Ireland with no savings and despite getting a full time job there, I did not have the funds to go to Jersey.  My friend left, and I went back to England.

At the time I swore that I would make enough money and then join my friend in Jersey.  It did not happen.  I was offered a better job back at at my old firm and starting working my way up the ranks.  Comfortable and a regular paycheck, along with the typical many nights out of a 21 year old meant no savings.

Do I have regrets?  No.  I don't believe in regrets, it is a fool's game.  I am now in a great position at the firm I went back to, I have had some great times and I am happy.  I believe everything happens for a reason and therefore, perhaps Jersey was not meant for me.

Now though, at 38, my feet has begun to itch again.  I wrote recently about wanting to take a trip to Barcelona on my own.  I want to go, experience the city, sit by the harbour with a glass of wine and nothing else but my thoughts and do so comfortable in my own skin.

Everything in my life is in flux at the moment.  I know that I am going to be making changes over the next few years, positive ones that will move me forward with my life and more travel, is definately one of the changes that I want to make.